Best Peanut Processing Machine and Solution Provider in China

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Peanut Processing Products Introduction


We know that peanut kernels make a satisfying snack, but did you know that peanuts are available in a variety of products from snack foods to cooking supplies? We can think of no other food more versatile and adaptable! Try peanut butter instead of your usual sandwich filling or peanut oil for a healthier way to deep-fry. Any of these savory and gourmet products will get you well on your way to “Eating a Little, Everyday!”


Peanut Butter


Found in three-fourths of the pantries across the US, peanut butter is truly an American staple. In this country alone, we consume about 700 million pounds of it every year! More than 50% of the peanuts grown are eaten in the form of peanut butter. And why not? Children know it as their favorite sandwich filling, adults use it as a savory addition to sauces and spread, and everyone loves it paired with other indulgences in rich desserts. What began as a simple vegetarian protein alternative, peanut butter has become one of the most affordable, nutritious, and delicious food items available today!

Health Benefits

High in mono- and polyunsaturated fats, consumption of peanut butter can contribute to improving cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of disease. Peanut butter is also an excellent source of plant protein. With about 8g per 2 Tbsp. of peanut butter, a small serving can make a significant contribution to daily protein intake. Peanut butter is a great substitution or alternative to meat products because it is much less expensive, it is filling, and it contains fiber. Finally, peanut butter is jam-packed with hard-to-get nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, folate, and the antioxidant vitamin E. Even phytochemicals – specifically, resveratrol – can be found in peanut butter.

Understanding Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has been an inexpensive favorite through the life cycle, but recently confusion has arisen concerning the types of peanut butter that we eat – what is the difference between commercial and “natural” peanut butter? And are both types healthy?

To be called peanut butter, both traditional and “natural” types must contain a minimum of 90% peanuts, with no artificial sweeteners, colors, or preservatives. This includes the chunky version. Commercial peanut butters are blended or homogenized for convenience and for creaminess, whereas “natural” peanut butters require stirring and are not as smooth in texture.

To stabilize commercial peanut butter blends and eliminate separation, manufacturers may add a small amount (less than 1-2%) of partially hydrogenated, or fully hydrogenated oil. For added flavor, some commercial brands may also add small amounts of sugar or salt. Even with these additions, changes in macronutrient content per serving compared to “natural” peanut butter are minimal.


Peanut Oil


Peanut oil has a pleasing and sometimes light nutty flavor. In addition to its great taste, peanut oil is perfect for deep-frying because it has a unique property. It does not absorb the flavor of other foods cooked in the oil. Therefore, you can cook several different items and each will maintain their own great taste. Peanut oil is also one of the world’s traditional deep-frying oils because it can reach such a high temperature which keeps the outside of the food crispy and the inside very moist. Peanut oil works well with all types of cooking and has been the oil of choice for frying by numerous restaurants for many years because it tastes great.

Health Benefits

Peanut oil is one of the healthiest oils. It is a vegetable oil that is naturally trans fat-free, cholesterol free, and low in saturated fats. Peanut oil is high in unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fat, like olive oil. It is also a source of the antioxidant, vitamin E and phytosterols, which benefit heart-health. Peanut oil is also a perfect choice for healthier frying because it can be heated to a higher temperature than other oils, and this results in lower oil pick up in the food.

Peanut Oil Nutrition Studies

The health benefits of peanut oil on blood lipids and heart health were looked at in a controlled human study conducted at Penn State University, which assigned subjects to one of four diets:

  1. Moderate fat – 1/2 fat from peanut oil (PO),
  2. Moderate fat – 1/2 fat from olive oil (OO),
  3. Moderate fat – 1/2 fat from peanuts and peanut butter (PPB)
  4. Low-fat Step II diet (American Heart Association/National Cholesterol Education Program),
  5. Average American diet (AAD).

The PO and PPB diets significantly improved total and “bad” LDL cholesterol levels similar to olive oil when compared to an AAD. Cardiovascular disease risk was also significantly reduced by the PO and PPB diets similar to the OO diet.

In another human study, weight loss was measured in those on a moderate fat diet versus a low-fat diet. Peanut oil was substituted for half of the fat in the moderate fat diet. Subjects on the diet including peanut oil lost weight and also had improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Additional emerging data is showing the benefits of healthy fats in regards to type 2 diabetes. Data shows that insulin sensitivity can be improved when saturated fat is replaced with unsaturated fats, like those found in peanut oil.

Understanding Peanut Oil

Main Types, Multiple Benefits

Refined Peanut Oil
Refined peanut oil, like all processed vegetable oil, has been refined, bleached and deodorized. This process removes the allergic protein component of the oil, making it non-allergenic. Refined peanut oil is the main type utilized in major US fast-food chains.

Gourmet Peanut Oil
Gourmet roasted peanut oils are not refined and are considered specialty oils. Some of these gourmet peanut oil may be roasted, aromatic oil, which provide a wonderful peanut aroma and flavor to many food products. They provide significant levels of vitamin E and phytosterols and are available in many retail outlets.

100% Peanut Oil
Packaging can be confusing at times. Sometimes oils are blended. To receive all of the benefits of peanut oil for your turkey fry, look for peanut oil as the only ingredient, or for “100% peanut oil” on the packaging.

Who Recommends Peanut Oil?

The 2005 US Dietary Guidelines recommend keeping “total fat intake between 20 to 35 percent of calories, with most fats coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils,” like peanut oil.

The American Heart Association says “Most of the fats you eat should be the “better” fats – monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats.” Vegetable oils (canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil), avocados, nuts and seeds, and seafood are recommended sources of these fats.

Peanut Oil and Allergy

Research shows that highly refined peanut oil, which has had all of the allergic proteins removed, does not cause an allergic response in severely allergic individuals. A controlled human study published in the British Medical Journal that tested refined peanut oil in 60 severely allergic individuals, found that “refined peanut oil did not pose a risk in any of the subjects” who were allergic to peanuts.

The FDA Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act also state, “highly refined oils and ingredients derived from highly refined oils are excluded from the definition of ‘major food allergen’.”


Peanut Flour


Peanut flour is made from the highest quality peanuts that have been roasted and naturally processed to obtain a lower fat peanut flour with a strong roasted flavor. It is a nutritious and versatile ingredient with a pleasant roasted peanut flavor and aroma, making it a favorite specialty flour for home cooks and food manufacturers. Peanut flour contains 40-50% protein, is gluten-free and vegan, and has even been shown to have heart health benefits. Partially defatted peanut flour also works well as a fat binder in confectionery products or to add flavor and extend shelf life. It can also be used as a flour alternative in gluten-free breads and baked goods. Other ways to get creative with this unique ingredient include adding it to sauces and soups for texture and flavor, using it as a crumb topping for chicken and seafood, and even blending it into smoothies and shakes to increase the flavor and protein content.

Nutrient Dense

Peanut flour is a gluten-free and vegan alternative that can add powerful plant-protein and lots of nutrition. Because most of the fat is removed, it is highly concentrated protein and contains about 10 to 15g of protein per ounce. It is also packed with essential nutrients and bioactives. One small scoop (2 Tbsp) is a good source of folate, zinc, and potassium and an excellent source of fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, and niacin (USDA National Nutrient Database, 2009).

Heart Healthy

Peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oil are known for their heart health benefits, and peanut flour is no exception. In fact, one study showed that hamsters on a high cholesterol diet fed fat-free peanut flour had significantly decreased cholesterol and slowed development of atherosclerosis (Stephens, 2010).

Peanuts contain more Arginine than any other food and peanut flour contains twice the amount than peanuts per serving. Arginine has been shown to play a role in opening up blood vessels to improve blood flow. Also, peanut flour is an excellent source of niacin, a vitamin often prescribed by doctors for its heart protective qualities, a good source of potassium and an excellent source of magnesium, which help to maintain normal blood pressure (Zhang, 2008 and Champagne, 2008).

Partially defatted peanut flour is available both for commercial and home use in a variety of fat and roast levels.


Company Profile

Romiter Machinery Co., Ltd. is a market leading manufacturer of Peanut Processing Machine with 10 years experience. Our factory is company, located at Middle China. Romiter has an excellent technical support team, including highly experienced machinists and service technicians. All our machines is equipped with reliable brand components. This enables us to provide our customers with continuous high quality Peanut processing machine at competitive prices.

Now, Our factory can provide peanut shelling machine, wet type peanut skin peeling machine, dry type peanut skin peeling machine, peanut butter grinder, peanut butter production line,  small peanut roaster machine, industrial peanut roasting machine, peanut slicing machine, peanut granule cutting machine, peanut candy making machine, peanut frying machine, peanut flour coating machine , peanut oil pressing machine , peanut size sorting machine and peanut harvester machine.

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